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Lead Generation for Modular Homes in Kazakhstan

  • Post last modified:August 23, 2024

Client: A company specializing in modular homes, with prices starting from €50,000.

Target Region: Kazakhstan

Target Audience:

  1. Primary: Individuals in Kazakhstan looking to purchase residential properties.
  2. Secondary: Investors and entrepreneurs seeking commercial properties, particularly for developing leisure facilities such as resorts.

Objective: The main goal was to generate qualified leads for modular homes in Kazakhstan. The challenge was to reach both individuals seeking affordable housing options and investors looking for commercial property opportunities, such as transforming modular homes into vacation resorts.

Strategy: We implemented a comprehensive digital advertising strategy focused on Facebook and Google Ads, tailored to the specific needs of the target audiences:

  1. Audience Segmentation: We segmented the audience into those looking for personal residential properties and those interested in commercial investments. This allowed us to craft personalized messaging for each group, highlighting the benefits of modular homes for both personal living and business ventures.
  2. Ad Creative and Messaging: The ad creatives showcased the flexibility, affordability, and modern design of the modular homes, with distinct messaging for residential and commercial prospects. For the commercial audience, we emphasized the potential to develop leisure facilities like resorts using modular structures.
  3. Budget Management: The campaigns were optimized to maximize reach and conversions within a set budget, focusing on the most responsive segments of the audience.
  4. Lead Generation: We used targeted landing pages designed to capture leads effectively, with clear calls to action tailored to the interests of each audience segment.


  • 1,543 Website Leads Generated: The campaign attracted a significant number of qualified leads, reflecting strong interest from both residential buyers and commercial investors.
  • €4.85 Average Cost Per Lead: The cost per lead was efficiently managed, ensuring a high return on investment.
  • 2,754,246 Impressions with 783,144 Reach: The ads achieved broad visibility among the target audience, driving substantial engagement and conversions.

Conclusion: Our targeted digital campaigns successfully generated high-quality leads for modular homes in Kazakhstan, meeting the needs of both residential buyers and commercial investors. By focusing on tailored messaging and precise audience targeting, we were able to deliver impressive results within a competitive real estate market.

Looking to Drive Sales for Your Properties? If you’re in the real estate market and need to generate high-quality leads, our tailored digital campaigns can help you reach your target audience with precision and efficiency. Contact us today to discuss how we can support your sales objectives.