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How to Effectively Drive Enrollment for a Global Art School with Targeted Messaging Campaigns

  • Post last modified:August 23, 2024

Client: An online art school offering courses to Russian-speaking beginners worldwide.

Target Region: Global (with a focus on Russian-speaking audiences).

Target Audience:

  1. Primary: Russian-speaking individuals who have recently started learning to draw.
  2. Exclusion: Experienced artists and professionals.

Objective: The primary goal was to generate direct inquiries via messaging, leading to increased enrollment in the school’s courses. The challenge was to effectively target novice artists while excluding more experienced individuals who were not the focus of this campaign.

Strategy: We implemented a focused messaging campaign using social media platforms, optimizing the campaign for direct messages from interested prospects. The strategy included:

  1. Audience Segmentation: We identified and targeted individuals who had shown interest in beginner-level art content and activities, while using exclusion criteria to filter out experienced artists.
  2. Creative and Messaging: The ad creatives and messaging were tailored to resonate with beginners, emphasizing the accessibility of the courses and the opportunity to develop foundational skills in a supportive environment.
  3. Global Reach with Precision Targeting: Despite the global reach, the campaign was highly targeted to ensure that only Russian-speaking beginners were engaged, ensuring relevance and maximizing the efficiency of the budget.
  4. Cost Efficiency: With careful monitoring and adjustments, the campaign maintained a very low cost per result, maximizing the number of qualified inquiries within the set budget.
Boosting Art School Enrollment with Global Targeted Messaging Campaigns


  • 820 Messaging Conversations Generated: The campaign successfully engaged a significant number of potential students through direct messaging.
  • $0.54 Average Cost Per Result: The cost per conversation was kept extremely low, reflecting the efficiency of the targeting and ad spend.
  • 453,052 Impressions with 234,903 Reach: The ads reached nearly a quarter of a million potential students, with substantial engagement from the intended audience.

Conclusion: Through strategic targeting and careful audience segmentation, we effectively connected with beginner artists around the world, driving substantial interest in the online art school’s offerings. The low cost per result and high engagement rates demonstrate the campaign’s success in reaching the right audience at the right time.

Ready to Boost Your Enrollment? If you’re looking to increase inquiries and enrollments for your educational programs, our targeted messaging campaigns can help you reach the right audience with precision and efficiency. Contact us today to learn how we can tailor a strategy to meet your needs.